United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

By World Forgotten Children Foundation on Feb 11, 2022

Five years ago, the UN announced plans for Sustainable Development Goals. They specified 17 key issues to be addressed over the course of 15 years. These areas of focus include an end to poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, sustainable cities and communities, and climate action, amongst others.

So, what is sustainable development? The UN has defined sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Sustainable development is meant to build a better future for all people and our planet. To achieve this, the UN has stated on its website that it is “crucial to harmonize three core elements: economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection,” stating that the three key components go hand-in-hand toward reaching their goals (Source: UN).

In 2019, with ten years left to achieve their goals, the UN called for a ‘Decade of Action’. This is to speed up the necessary actions to find solutions to the biggest challenges including poverty, education, and climate change. They plan to achieve this on three levels: global action, local action, and people action. Global action is meant to secure leadership, resources, and solutions to the goals outlined by the UN. Local action is to take those solutions and use them to make institutional changes in governments around the world. People action will occur by including many stakeholders to push forward the movement and put the desired changes in place (Source: UN).

Taking on People Action at WFCF

At WFCF we believe we can help push these incredibly important goals by taking part in People Action. WFCF’s expanded mission opens our foundation up to help build more sustainable communities around the world. We have successfully completed one such project with the African Community Project in the summer of 2021. You can read about the instillation of a solar-powered water system in the Bulangzi Garden and Orchard Complex in Zambia.

Our goal is to connect with community organizations anywhere in the world that have plans for a sustainable project to increase health and well-being for their population. We hope to partner with these organizations for monetary aid and increase awareness of their work to fight against poverty and build a sustainable and hopeful future for their area.

I encourage you to reach out to any community organization that wants to build healthier and more sustainable communities and have them contact us at WFCF. We are always reviewing potential partnerships and hope to incorporate several new projects in the support of community development and sustainable initiatives.

Together we can continue to make a difference on the People Action level and help in our way to address the inequalities in underdeveloped communities and fight back against the cycle of poverty.

Learn more about the UN’s Sustainable Development goals and the 17 key factors in accomplishing these goals.

Learn more about WFCF’s commitment to this goal.

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