Message from the President of WFCF

By Beth A. Peiffer, Past President on Sep 1, 2005

Originally published in the WFCF Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2005

Often, we become extremely occupied with our hectic daily schedules and lose sight of the basic things we are blessed with in our lives. In our fast-paced society, we all face ever-challenging days that allow us little or no time to give back. The answer is not to focus on “me” but to focus on serving others, at the same time appreciating the good life we have. When we stop to reflect upon this reality, we realize how fortunate we are to have food, clothing, shelter, family, jobs, infinite opportunities, and most importantly, our health.

Regrettably, despite the wealth accumulated in prosperous countries and the technological development of the modern world, too many children living in third world countries still cannot afford the most basic of necessities. To compound this matter, many of these children are orphaned, handicapped, and suffer from debilitating health issues. To gain perspective on your life, I ask each of you to seriously reflect upon these children and the daunting situations they face daily. No doubt such reflection will help you grasp how fortunate you truly are, regardless of those areas in your life which are less than perfect. Antoine de Saint-Exupery best summarizes our existence by saying, “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

Orphaned and disabled children in third world nations rarely have the opportunity to experience life the way each of us do. How can you not afford to help? The mission of World Forgotten Children Foundation (WFCF) is “to support projects in third world countries that promote the healthcare needs of suffering children, who are disabled and orphaned.” WFCF also believes in educating our supporters on children’s issues in third world countries. The world is our project and we are here to serve as many children as possible.

Please enjoy reading the educational newsletters, and be sure to share with your friends and colleagues! WFCF is an entirely volunteer-driven initiative. 100% of contributed funds go to help orphaned and disabled children in third world countries as we have no overhead expenses. To learn more about WFCF, please visit All inquiries may be made at

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