WFCF Provides Sanitary Room for the Arzamas Orphanage

By World Forgotten Children Foundation on Dec 12, 2022

On October 4, 2021, WFCF funded $9,179 USD to Diema's Dream for the purpose of equipping the Arzamas Orphanage with a sanitary room. The sanitary room will be used specifically by children with sensory modulation disorder (SMD), who are rarely adopted due to their disorder. The older building that was used by the children was a Soviet-era building with uncomfortable enclosures and cold water, since the heating system was old.

The equipment in the sanitary room is used for the purpose of providing special conditions for the children with SMD. It provides a way for the children to take care of their hygiene without having to fear injury or discomfort due to their immobility. An electric lift works on moving the children with no risk of injury and passes through the various enclosures in the sanitary room. The lift is controlled by a remote, which allows the caretakers to ensure the comfort of the children.

There is also a chairs that are designed specifically for children with mobility disorders which allow them to be comfortable and be in the correct sitting posture. The funding also allowed Diemma's Dream to purchase special folding bathtubs that are lightweight and easy to transfer and able to fold in three different ways. The children no longer have to worry about the water becoming cold, as the new heating system allows the water to stay warm and the bathtub's drain color changes based on the temperature of the water.

Taking care of one child with SMD is difficult for a caretaker. Therefore, in an orphanage with many children with SMD, it was nearly impossible to ensure the care of every child. However, with the new equipment, caretakers are better able to ensure the safety and comfort of children with SMD.

"Children deserve love and care. And the staff – decent working conditions. Because it is difficult for one nurse to lift immobilized children on herself. This equipment will serve hundreds of wards of a children’s for many years,"said Diemma's Dream on their website.

With WFCF's help, Diema's Dream were able to better care for the orphaned children with SMD.You, too, can help support our project by donating to our mission today!

Read more about our funding of Diema's Dream here.

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