Funding Mobility Equipment and Medical Treatment for BICE

By World Forgotten Children Foundation on Mar 1, 2016

In November of 2013, WFCF approved the funding of $6,564 to the International Catholic Child Bureau (BICE) for the purpose of acquiring mobility equipment and providing medical treatment. The funds were used to purchase 5 wheelchairs, 5 walking sticks, 10 pairs of crutches/ canes and 10 armpit crutches, provided the pharmacy with neuroleptiques and other specific drugs, 2 infrared lamps rehabilitation and electrotherapy devices. The mobility equipment and the medical treatment was used to improve the well being of 110 children living with disability hosted in the center.

BICE was founded in Paris with the purpose of establishing the rights of children and ensuring their comprehensive growth. The organization made paramount contributions to the drafting of the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Children. Other important contributions made by BICE include launching the first international programme for the children of inmates, looking into methods to combine humanitarian principles and state sovereignty, and the promotion of the International Year of the Child.

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